Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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Version 2.0 (c) 1994 by Kevin Nebus
Welcome to the world of HyperChat. This is a world of
fantasy, fun and above all CHAT!!
Moderators are those special persons the sysop has elected
or chosen to take charge of the chatting. It is his/her
responsibility to see that everything flows along smoothly
and that all room themes remain on topic. The Moderator
can also..
1. Modify users account while in the teleconference. This
does NOT effect their personal account on the BBS. It is
only a modification of what a user can and can not do
within the teleconference
2. Remove users from the teleconference
3. Invite/uninvite users from any room in the
4. Can enter and exit any room at anytime with or without
being invited.
5. Has the option of entering the teleconference without
anyone knowing he/she is there ie in Silent Mode. With
this option activated, the user will never know when the
moderator is watching the conversations. This option is
often used to keep an eye on what is transpiring within
the teleconference to keep illegal activities out.
Moderators will have an extra set of commands to aid them
in their job as moderators. At the command line prompt type
.? for a complete list of commands available to you.
User commands are given here with a brief example of what each
command does and how it works.
Teleconference commands are:
.X or .Q Exit from the teleconference
.L List the users in this room
.S Show ALL users and locations
.U or .I <User> Un/Invite this user to/from your room
Example: .U Blake
The above example would UnInvite Blake from your room. In
other words it would tell him to leave.
Example: .I Blake
The opposite of UnInvite is Invite. The above example
would Invite Blake to Join you in your room.
.J <User> Join <user's> room
Example .J Blake
The above example would allow you to Join Blake in his
room AFTER you have been invited.
.J Join YOUR room
This command by itself would remove you from any room you
are currently in and take you back to your own room.
.T <text> Change room theme to <text>
Example: .T Monkey Business
The above example would change the theme from what it is
currently to Monkey Business. Use your own imagination to
change it to what ever you want.
.M Join the MAIN teleconference
.E Enter personal data entry mode
This command allows you to edit your own personal data. It
will remain the way you change it until you change it
/<user> <text> Whisper/Page <user> with <text>
Example: /Blake I think you are a great person
The above example would send a private message to Blake
telling him you think he is great. No one else in the room
will see it. Only the person to whom it is sent
.A? List actions available
.A<+, -> Turn actions on/off
.C HyperChat Program Information
.Y Your Information
.G<+, -> Turn ANSI Gpx on/off
.% Send HYPER.HLP file
<text> Broadcast <text> to everyone in the room
Plane text without any other commands before it would send
the same statement or message to everyone in the room.
<action> <text> Use <action> with <text> variable
Use anyone of the ACTION commands followed by a text to send
anyone in the room.
Example: KISS Blake I think your great
This example would send Blake a Kiss and tell him you
think he is great. Use your own imagination with a
variety of action commands. Ask the moderator to add more
actions if you do not see one you want.
\ ABORT character. Must be last character
I hope the above commands are helpfull to you. Keep this
help file close by your computer so that you can learn how
HyperChat works and get the most out of your chats with other
users. Most of all HAVE FUN...